Picking the Best Antivirus: Your Guide to Staying Safe Online


Remy Zabuh

Industry Analyst 

Last Updated: July 27, 2024

Today, people make use of their computers and phones to perform almost all tasks. We communicate with friends, make purchases, perform work assignments, and perform financial transactions through these devices. Imagine if, it is like having a whole world at our fingertips! However, the idea is that as in the real world, there are also corporate people in the digital world. 

These bad guys you may also hear referred to as hackers or cybercriminals, may steal your information or harm your devices. They can prefer to snatch your passwords, see your private photos, or even act as to deceive you into donating some cash. Scary, right? But don’t worry! That is where antivirus software comes into play and acts like the superheroes actually do. Knowing how to choose antivirus software is crucial in this regard.

An Antivirus is a program that acts as a protector of the computer or the phone to prevent it from getting infected. It never sleeps, and always patrols for any potential viruses, pestering malware, or tricky scams attempting to make a stir. You literally have a Superman living inside your device! 

Here is the catch, though – there is an abundance of different antivirus programs. There are those who are really professional, some average and there are those who are very bad. . . well, they might not they such a good job. Well now that you know that there is such a thing as the right type of PR agency for your business, how do you go about choosing the right one? So each time this position is terrific and that is what we are going to discuss! 

To that end, in this best antivirus guide, we take you through the whole process step by step as follows. I will briefly describe what these programs do, what to look for in them, and how to choose the best antivirus software to work with. Whether you are an advanced computer user or a newbie to computers and the internet, we have the ideal plan for you.

Well, are you starting to prepare to be the expert for protecting your digital life? Without further ado, let’s start and find out how to select the best antivirus sidekick for your devices!

What is Antivirus Software?

Illustration of people explaining what is antivirus software with security symbols and computer screen, by SouthernVPN. how to choose antivirus software

Antivirus software is a program designed to protect your computer or phone from getting infected by viruses, malware, and other malicious threats. It continuously scans your device for potential threats and helps to safeguard your data and documents.

Always On Guard

Supposing there was a superhero who resides in your computer or in your handset. This superhero keeps an eye on the ‘villains’, such as viruses, spyware, and other obscenities popularly called malware.

This is what antivirus software does, taking time to scan the machine, and making a list of all the dangerous files and programs that are on the computer. The advantages of antivirus include its functions to safeguard your device as well as guarantee the safety of your documents and other data. 

Preventing Attacks

But that’s not all! This superhero does not only avoid attacks but also repels them as well. It can possibly alert you that you are going to visit a malicious site or download nasty files, helping you identify a malicious website. That is as if having a friend who nudges you and advises against going further and taking a wrong turn into a pitch-black dirty alley.

Staying Up-to-Date 

In fact, like superheroes you might see on TV or in movie theaters, even the antivirus software needs updating of its costume and tools. It keeps it in touch with the kind of threats birthed by the bad guys in the digital world and how to counter them.  

Your Personal Digital Protector 

Thus, when people discuss antivirus software, they are actually referring to the very protector of your computer. It is reporting to duty every day as it strives to protect your online life. The advantages of antivirus are evident in its consistent vigilance and protection. Pretty cool, right?

How will this Benefit You? 

There is no one better at coming up with new ways to be mischievous than a smart hacker just about every day. They can attempt to take your passwords, monitor activities being conducted on the internet, or even encrypt files and demand to be paid for the key to release them. Such evils can be prevented by using Antivirus software.

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Additional Features of Antivirus Software

Illustration of people discussing additional features of antivirus software on a computer screen, by SouthernVPN. how to choose antivirus software

When choosing antivirus software, consider additional features such as firewall protection, a VPN for secure browsing, a password manager, parental controls, cloud backup, and disk cleaning tools. These features can enhance your online security and improve your overall experience. Here’s a breakdown of some valuable features you might find: 

Firewall Protection 

A firewall is a protective program that controls the access between your computer and the Internet by observing the traffic. This assists to minimise cases of insecurity and may even be useful in preventing invading of malware into the system. Most operating systems today come with their firewalls pre-installed, going for an antivirus that has a firewall as part of the package is always advantageous. 

Pro Tip

Don’t run two antivirus programs at the same time. They can interfere with each other and slow down your computer.

VPN for Secure Browsing 

A VPN service masks your internet connection, making it more secure to use. It guards your online behavior from spying by those who include hackers and advertisers. By using a VPN, you can bypass geographical restrictions and preserve privacy while connecting to the Internet through other people’s connections. Therefore, it’s crucial to choose the best VPN for your needs.

Some of the top antivirus software features a VPN as a component of the service they provide. Additionally, certain features of antivirus software can enhance your overall online security.

Parental Controls 

They are the restrictions you put in place to regulate or limit the kind of programs that your children can access on the computer. As one of the key features of antivirus software, you can manage dangerous websites, define time management, and block obscene content. It is a very helpful feature for families as it makes the internet environment safer for children.  

Password Manager 

A password manager then helps you to create and securely store your passwords for all your various accounts. It can create perfect passwords of your choosing, and even complete them automatically on websites – thus minimizing the use of bad/vulnerable passwords. This feature helps to reduce the chances of your accounts being hacked, and hence it helps to improve your security.

Cloud Backup 

Cloud backup services are self-explanatory as data is automatically backed up and stored in an online data center. If your information is compromised through ransomware or lost in some way, shape, or form, the files can be recovered quickly. This feature offers assurance, that your important data is safeguarded and can easily be retrieved.

Disk Cleaning Tools 

Disk cleaning tools are basically applications that assist in the enhancement of computer operations or speed by freeing up space and deleting unwanted or unneeded files.

It should be mentioned that such tools, as part of the features of antivirus packages, can help you to release a considerable amount of disk space and enhance the work of your system. Rarely, do some antivirus applications add disk cleaning utilities to help in the general maintenance of the gadget. 

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Key Features of a Good Antivirus Software

Illustration of a detective analyzing key features of antivirus software on a computer with security icons, by SouthernVPN. how to choose antivirus software

To select the right antivirus software, evaluate key factors such as speed, extra features, effectiveness in catching threats, the ability to stay up-to-date with current threats, and compatibility with your devices. Consider the number of devices you need to protect, any specific features you require, and read reviews from trusted sources before making a decision.


You don’t want to have a sluggish computer now, are you rite? A decent antivirus should be able to defend you without slowing your operating device as if it were a snail.  

Extra Features: 

All the same, some of the antivirus programs have appealing bonus features. They could have a VPN, which conceals what you do on the World Wide Web, or a password manager which assists in remembering all the passwords in a secure way. 

Good at Catching Bad Stuff: 

When it comes to selecting the best antivirus software, it should be like a superhero, specifically; supervision. It should easily be able to identify and filter out almost all the undesirable things on the internet. Knowing how to choose antivirus software can make a significant difference in ensuring maximum protection.

Stays Up to Date: 

It can never be a dull day for the bad guys as they’re always devising new plans. Your antivirus should be updated from time to time to prevent current and rising threats in the market.  

Works on Your Devices: 

Make sure that the antivirus you choose is compatible with all your devices; your computer, phone, or tablet. 

Pro Tip

Make sure your antivirus includes protection against different types of threats, like viruses, spyware, and ransomware.

What Do You Need and How To Choose Antivirus Software?

Before you choose, think about: 

  • Do you want your one device, ten devices, a hundred devices, or a thousand devices to be secure from Ransomware attacks
  • Children? You may need an antivirus with the option of parental control for them to be safe while using the internet. 
  • Are you into a lot of online shopping or banking? In these activities, there is a need to look for built-in security measures on top of those which are already in place. Consider these factors when learning how to choose antivirus software.

Do Your Homework 

Do not get trapped and install the first antivirus software you come across! And last but not the least, read what other people are writing on it. For this search for tests where people specialize in checking how efficient various anti-virus programs are.  

Try It Out 

Most antivirus firms make you download their antivirus software for free for a brief period of time. This is great! That is making you be able to see if you like it before you can be able to acquire it. It is rather like the selection and purchase of shoes where you wear them and then take them to your house.  

Staying Safe Online

In addition to using antivirus software, you should use strong and unique passwords for different accounts, avoid opening links from unknown email senders, keep your devices updated with the latest security patches, and be cautious about sharing personal information online. These practices will further enhance your online security.

  1. Use strong passwords: This is a rule that should never be broken: never, I repeat, never use the same password for different accounts. 
  2. Never open links in emails if you do not know the sender of the email. 
  3. Ensure your computer and phone are current. Such updates are frequently associated with security issues, Usually, the updates contain solutions to the problems. 
  4. Remember not to post anything that you do not want the whole world to see. Do not disclose your information to anyone you come across.  


Antivirus protection is one of the fundamental elements to secure digital life, and it is crucial to choose the right tool for it. You have several choices before you, so take your time to analyze them and select the one that you want. Knowing how to choose antivirus software is essential, as it can ensure that you have many good experiences from being connected to the Internet while protecting yourself from unpleasant happenings.

Good luck in the place that is out there and unknown to some people, the Internet!

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